Friday 7 February 2014

Lighting the Way...

Things have been going good as of late.  I don't know if its the new drugs, a new job, a new workout routine, a new year or simply a new outlook.  Probably a bit of all of the above.  But things, they are a-changing.  Slowly.  I have noticed that some days seem a little brighter.  The future seems a little bigger.  I am no longer thinking 24/7 about ways I wish to die.  There are moments - sometimes fleeting, sometimes lasting - that I think things will be okay.

People around me are noticing it too.  Parents, friends.  Even our four year old boy has seen a change in his mommy.  And that gives his mommy all the push she needs to keep pushing forward.

Life still isn't a bed of roses.  The PTSD symptoms still haunt me.  I still have flashbacks.  I still wake up in a cold sweat.  I still have moments when I am incredibly sad.  I still think of ways to end it all more often than any person should.  I can't even think of taking a bath.  And there still isn't a day that goes by without a tear or two.

I still miss Kurt like I never thought it possible to miss someone.  I think of him all the time.  There are days, like today, that I can't seem to get him off my mind.  But as one day moves into the next, and the days without him become more and more, I am slowly getting used to the fact that I am alone....  Its resignation more so than acceptance.  But I guess its a start.

I feel so guilty as I write this.  Feel that things should not improve, should not change.  Feel that in some way, this lessens my feelings for Kurt.  Makes his death matter just a little less.  I know this is false.  But I also know that as I kept the pain alive, in some strange way it felt as though I was keeping him alive too....  It still does, I guess.  That's why its so hard to let it all go...

Today, right now, at this moment I look at the years ahead with trepidation.  I know my life as a solo widowed parent fighting some pretty big mental demons is not a life to envy.  The stress load is almost as heavy as the hurt.  I live in fear that tomorrow will bring another crash, another heartache.  I live in hope that it won't, but suspect there will always be one lurking around the corner.  I am more scared of the future than I think I have ever been in my life.  I know it is not going to be easy.  Tomorrow or the day after.  But I'm strong.  I never thought I could get this far.  I hope can do it.  I pray that some day the world will seem lighter, and the burden a little less heavy.  That I can weather this storm until that day arrives...

After all, I have a pretty good guardian angel on my side lighting my way....

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