Tuesday 6 March 2012

The Same

It was near blizzard conditions this morning.  Watching the snow fall took me back in time....

January 10, 2007.  It was the day of "the" blizzard.  It was also the first time I had invited Kurt over for supper.  The city was shut down.  You couldn't see your hand in front of your face.  I had spare ribs in the crock pot, hoping things would clear up and he would make it.  Knowing he wouldn't.  But I sat at the window watching that day anyway.  And left some ribs cooking.  Just in case.

I thought about that day today with every snowflake that hit the window.  Every scrape of my shovel on the cold pavement.  As I threw the supper leftovers in the bag with the trash.  Giddy anticipation replaced with empty longing.

Hoping he would come up the drive.  Knowing he wouldn't.

Some things will never change.....

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