Sunday 13 October 2013

Giving Thanks

I often look back on the years past and wish I had spent more time smelling the roses.  Appreciating the little things in life as well as the bigger things.  Taking notice of those things I so easily took for granted.  Because while the memories are sweet, the actual experience was sweeter.

I, like so many people I know, was too busy chasing tomorrow to stop and really appreciate all I had in today.  And then, before I knew it, today was gone...

Its not the big things that make a life worth living.  Its not actually things at all.  I can guarantee you that when Kurt died, I did not wish we had bought a larger house, faster car, or newest smart phone.  I wished that we had time together.  And even today, as I stare at his picture, I do not pine for things.  I pine for time.  Time is the one thing that, once gone, you cannot have back.  You cannot always simply go buy another minute.  Once that moment has passed, there is no guarantee anything similar will come around again.

That is why, on the Thanksgiving Day, I am most thankful for time.  Time spent with family and friends.  Time spent watching Gavin play, laugh, and grow.  Time spent in quiet contemplation now that he is asleep.

We are not remembered once we have left the earth for what we had.  Rather, we are remembered for what we did - how we spent our time.

I spent mine today watching a little boy romp through fields of corn, cuddle animals, and bounce in bouncy houses.  It was time well spent, and if I were to die tomorrow, I would not have thought it a day wasted.

And I am thankful for that.

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