Saturday 5 October 2013

Labour Day

This was Kurt's self portrait four years ago - his depiction of what he was going to look like when the baby was born.

 It was four years ago today that I was induced. At about the exact time Gavin blows out his candles at his party this evening, four years ago I was admitted to hospital to begin a pretty crazy ride.

 Tomorrow I celebrate Gavin. Right now, its all about this man. The man who blew in my face to distract me when the epidural didn't work. Who cracked a joke when the Dr. said "Oh shit" as things went awry to ease the tension. Who held my hand all night, and cried bigger tears than me when his son was finally born.

 I still believe, despite the chaos in the room, the most intimate moments a couple can share are those moments when they are bringing their child into the world. I know it was for us. I treasure that day. And I miss, with all my heart, the man who shared it with me. I hold close every moment we had together. And wish, beyond all wishes, that we had been granted just one more. Gavin is the ultimate product of the best gift I have ever been blessed to receive... his love.

Thank you, Kurtis. I love you. Always

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