Monday 7 October 2013

Inside Out

I'm bleeding from the inside out.  Its not a wound you can see.  Not a wound you can put a bandaid on.  Not a wound that will show on any x-ray, or be revealed in any blood test.  But its a wound that is very, very real.

You can mend a broken limb.  Fix a broken body.  But what is the cure for a broken heart?  A broken soul?  A broken being?

I know the world looks at me and says "Come on, its been three years..."  I know they cast their judging eyes my way, form silent opinions in their head.  I know they think I should get on with things.  That this has dragged on long enough.  And I agree with them.  I just can't seem to figure out how.

When you leave a wound untreated long enough, it gets infected.  Goes septic.  Eventually poisons the entire body.  And kills you.

That's what has happened to me.

I buried the hurt under a mountain of responsibility.  I ignored the flashbacks.  Accepted the nightmares.  I ran from the emotions faster than sprinters run the 100 meters.  I thought I left everything far behind.  I thought I was doing pretty well - at least on the outside.  I was hiding it so well even I couldn't feel it sometimes.

But my inside, where the hurt still lays, has caught up with me.  You can't run forever...

Now the foundation I have been standing on for the past three years is slowly crumbling.  I'm watching my world fall around me.  The things I clung to for safety are gone.  The people who held me up have moved on.  I have only myself to rely on.  And I'm simply too weak, too tired from running for far too long.

I don't know what to do.  Do I jump into the abyss that now surrounds me?  Or do I stay where I am hoping someone - anyone - will throw me a life raft?  Knowing that life raft will probably never come.  Do I go, or do I stay?  Do I paste a smile and ignore the impending disaster?  Or finally cry the tears - the real tears - that have lived hidden deep inside?

For three years I have stood firm in my decisions.  Confident that not feeling was simply safer than feeling.  That with time the wound would scab and heal on its own.

I think I know that is not the case.  And I know I do not possess what it takes to deal with this on my own.  But where do you go from here?  And can I accept the consequences or either direction?

Or is it really too late?

I'm still bleeding from the inside out.  But have I already bled to death deep down inside?

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