Sunday 17 June 2012

Father's Day

I've been thinking about Kurt all day today.  Not Kurt the husband.  Or Kurt the lover.  Or even Kurt the man.  But Kurt the Daddy.

The role he never was allowed to fully grow in to.  What he could have been.  Should have been.

Barely had the chance to be.

Father's Day is different now in our house.  Its a remembrance day of sorts.  Trying to keep the man alive for his son.  And mom trying to hold herself together.  A celebration of a different form.....

We talk about Daddy all the time.  But today is for him.  And whether he is here or not, Gavin only really has one daddy.

Gavin's old enough now to start to commemorate.  To participate in ritual.  To help form traditions.

To celebrate.

Even if he doesn't fully understand, some day he will.  And when he does, I want the memories there.....

So we visit his dad in the place he now rests.  Then we hug and kiss balloons, and send them to where he waits in the sky.

My balloon carries a message.  I could have written a book full of things I've silently said to Kurt all day.  About how he was an awesome dad.  How it was ripped from him far too soon.  About how badly Gavin needs his daddy.  About how there are some things a mommy just can't do.  About how inadequate I feel.  About how I know I'll never fill his shoes....  About how badly I wish he were here.....

But instead of writing what's on my mind, I write what's on my heart.  The same thing I say to him every day.....

We love you Daddy.  Always loved.  Always missed.  Always Yours.  Forever.

With him all around me, every day is a day of remembrance in my life.  Remembering him.  Mourning him.  Celebrating him.

Every day a Father's Day......

Happy Father's Day Kurtis.

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