Friday 9 August 2013

Always Will: Happy Anniversary

Five years ago this day I walked down the aisle, wiped the tears from my eyes, and promised him all of our tomorrows. Today I hold our son's hand as I walk towards his urn, wipe the tears from my eyes, and promise him the rest of mine.

It was the best day of my life. When people ask what I am proudest of in my life, it is my relationship with him. The fact that I was able not only to take his name, but also his heart. The fact that our love created something as special as our son. And the fact that we were able to live our vows until the very end - and beyond.

We had talked of renewing our vows today - just he and I. So that's what I will do. In silence, in my heart. And my promise to him remains the same.

Kurtis, whatever happens, whatever the future holds, whatever tomorrow brings, some things will never change. I will love, honour, and cherish you. Today. Tomorrow. And Forever. A part of me will always be always yours.

Happy anniversary babe. You have no idea what it meant to be your wife. How deep and unconditional my love for you is. And those 732 days were the best days of my life… I'd trade a lifetime to have just one more...

Before the sun and moon and stars
Were put there in the sky
Before the mountains stood tall
Above this world so high
I loved you then, I love you now
And I'll love you until….
Always have, always will

Always yours….

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