Saturday 10 December 2011

Where Are You Christmas?

A lot of the blogs I follow in the Widow communities are dealing with this very issue right now.  The holidays.  Finding the "Merry" in Merry Christmas and the "Happy" in Happy Holidays.  When half of you is missing, its not as easy as it seems.  I don't even remember last Christmas.  I remember crying when Gavin got his picture taken with Santa.  I remember crying at church Christmas eve during Silent Night.  But otherwise, its all just a blur.  The ornaments stayed tucked away.  There was no tree.  And somehow I got through.

This year I vowed it would be different.  For Gavin's sake, I vowed to make it a Christmas just like Kurt and I had wanted it to be... minus Kurt, that is.  So out we went to the mall to see Santa.  Out came the tree.  Christmas cards were mailed.  We'll decorate the cookies, sing the carols,and do what every other "family" does.  And I'm trying hard to see it through the eyes of a two year old.... Gavin is caught up in it all.  I should be smiling.

But inside my heart is breaking.  I want nothing more than to run away, hide away, and not come out until  those cheerful carols, happy Ho Ho Hos, and smiling perfect family images are long gone.  I used to love Christmas.  Used to go all out.  Couldn't wait for the first to turn on the lights and dig into the advent calendars.  Now its just a reminder of what I don't have in my life.  A reminder that is all encompassing for two whole damn months.  Its too bad that Santa doesn't grant the wishes of adults.  Because I only have one Christmas wish....

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