Monday 30 January 2012

I Still Miss Him...

Please bare with me while I state the obvious...

I still miss him.  Every minute of every hour of every day.

He's the first thing on my mind when I wake.  He's the last thing on my mind as I drift to sleep.  And if I had a dollar for every time I thought of him in between, I'd be the wealthiest person I know.

Most the thoughts are happy.  Most the memories pleasant.  Although they are still usually laced with tears.

There's no words to describe how I feel.  No way to explain the combination of joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain.

Except to say that what we had was wonderful.  Special.

I watched a movie this evening.  In the theatre laced with memories.  Of him.  Us.  "Incredibly Loud and Extremely Close."  That's how his presence is to me.  Loud in that I can't avoid him.  Close in that he's never far away.

One of the characters said that you can only fall in love for the first time once.  That's what he was.  Is.  It can never be taken away.

And I still miss him.  Every minute of every hour of every day....

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