Monday 23 January 2012

With This Ring...

Kurtis, I give you this ring as a sign of my vow.  And with all that I am, and all that I have, I honour you. Today.  Tomorrow. And for Always.

That's what I said when I placed the ring on his finger.  When he placed the ring on mine....

At this moment there's an empty place where those rings once sat.  The lines will remain for a while I'm sure, reminding me of what we had.  And lost.  But the physical symbol of our love together has been displaced, moved to an ornamental ring on the other hand.  I feel empty.  Exposed.  Naked.  Alone.  Unprotected.  And numb.  I'm not sure I'm ready, but I don't think there ever will be a time I am.  So today it is, for now.

I guess I'm really not married any more.  I don't know what I am.  But Kurtis, my heart still belongs to you.  Today. Tomorrow. And for Always.

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